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Credit: ChameleonsEye /

Developed by Cambridge Digital Health for Prof. Manohar Bance at Cambridge University Hospitals, DizzyCam is designed for adults who are experiencing dizziness. It aims to help users capture symptoms that occur during and around dizziness, but do not necessarily happen while the user is in the clinic.


Dizzy disorders are of many types. It can be difficult for clinicians to separate these types of dizziness without being able to observe and test during an attack.

The app helps the user, notice, capture and record symptoms, perform basic vestibular/audiological tests and to document possible triggers and things that make it better. Dizzy Cam allows the user to review their information and, if they choose, to connect with their clinician and share some of this data.



I am dizzy right now

Follow a step-by-step guided process to capture all the essential elements of your dizzy episode


Hearing test

Indicates fluctuations in hearing based on pitch and loudness



Loudness tolerance test

Get an indication of how the extent to which you perceive differences in hearing quality between your ears changes over time


Light tolerance test

Gain insight into your sensitivity to light and whether it fluctuates over time


Video test

Follow spoken instructions to capture any relevant symptoms related to your eyes.


My diary

With this tool, you can comprehensively document your symptoms or triggers and monitor how they and your dizziness evolve over time, as well as track how they respond to treatments


My data 

Access diary and test results presented in easy to interpret charts. Share your results with your clinician


Connection with a doctor


As a healthcare provider, using the DizzyCam web-based dashboard, invite your patients to connect and share data effortlessly.


Easily review the shared data and generate a report that can be downloaded or included in medical notes.

As a patient accept your clinician's invitation to connect and start automatically sharing certain data, and manually share other records, such as video recordings, once connected. You can also choose to disconnect at any time.


Tech support

Easily access technical support from within the app


App access

The app is available on iOS and Android mobile devices.

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Examples of the app interface

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To find out more information about DIZZYCAM, or how you can get the app for your organisation, contact



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Information governance summary

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